Grants and contracts are the lifeblood of the nonprofit world. These funds allow organizations all over the world to advance their missions, maximize their impact, and achieve their goals. Any organization that wants to succeed needs access to an experiences, effective grant writer.
Unfortunately, few nonprofit budgets allow for a full-time, professional grant writer on staff.
Fortunately, there is an alternative.
Third Way Conflict Resolution offers you access to a freelance grant writer that can help you and your orgnization to advance with a minimum of cost and complication. We can provide exactly the servcies that you need, whether that means supplementing your existing staff talent or handling your grants wholesale.
For the sake of simplicity, a standard, hourly rate is available for the most common grant writing related tasks:
Research and Grant Seeking: $40
- Collaborative Curriculum Writing: $65
- Application/ Proposal Writing: $45
- Reporting and Tracking: $40
In addition, we are able to offer flat rate grant writing services for certain grant types and nonprofit organizations. Discounts may be available for grants and programs that closely align with the priorities of Third Way Conflict Resolution.